There’s a wealth of information about property investment strategies online, and you’ve probably spent countless hours searching for the silver bullet to fast-track your success.

  • March 7th, 2022
If you’re an active investor seeking to step up your game, you need to determine what you want to achieve before you can find the strategies that best suit your current circumstances…and the sooner the better. That’s why you should think about the type of property investor you are, and where you are on your property journey, as this will clearly define the range of strategies available to you. You might even be surprised with the advanced strategies you can use…starting right now! INVESTMENT STRATEGIES 101 As a seasoned investor you (and your financial advisor – yes, you should have one) should have a solid understanding of investment fundamentals like positive and negative gearing, rentvesting and peer to peer lending strategies, and the implications of each on your future portfolio growth. You may already have one or two properties under your belt, but need to find alternative ways of accelerating your savings or shortening the time to your next investment. Likewise, you could easily find yourself maxed out from a loan serviceablity perspective and limited in terms of how much you’re able to borrow for your next property – your income simply won’t allow you to borrow further funds, but you have tens of thousands of dollars, or more, just sitting idle. PEER TO PEER LENDING These savings could easily be parked for twelve months or longer, so you need to get this capital working hard for you while you’re saving the rest of your deposit. This is where access to advanced tools and strategies such as peer to peer lending can help you to invest your funds and achieve a far better interest rate than standard offset or savings accounts – without the volatility of the share market. INVESTING WITH SUPER Alternatively, you might like to reconsider that capital sitting in a self managed superannuation fund that could be better utilised building additional wealth via property. It’s definitely worthwhile exploring your options to purchase property through limited recourse borrowing or your SMSF. RESULTS DRIVEN STRATEGIES Exploring next-level strategies like these is why you should be surrounding yourself with a team of trusted professional advisors – such as accountants, mortgage brokers, financial planners, solicitors, financial advisors and more – who have the specific industry skills and knowledge to provide you with ongoing and results-driven professional strategies. One size definitely doesn’t fit all, and your best fit may prove to be something you would never have considered on your own, without the objective guidance provided by a trusted mentor and a team of dedicated professionals working by your side. That’s why here at The Property Mentors we’ve got not only your back, but your best interests, in mind. If you’re an even more sophisticated investor ready to diversify and build your portfolio right now, then contact us today or keep your eye on the blog for more tips in the coming weeks!
