Investing in Your Future After a Break-up: What to Do With Your Shared Property

Looking to invest in your future after a break-up? Discover what to do with your shared property, including selling or renting it out. Learn more from The Property Mentors and ensure financial success in the wake of a break-up.

  • February 6th, 2023
When a relationship or marriage breaks down, people often have to make difficult financial decisions about assets that they own jointly. What should you do with your shared property? Should you sell it and split the profits? Continue to share ownership? Or buy out your ex through a new mortgage just in your name? Renting out the property might be an option if you want to keep it but don’t wish to stay living there, however before you commit to this option it is important to understand if the property will be a worthwhile investment. It may not generate a good rental yield or capital growth despite being suitable for you and your former partner's needs. Therefore, it could be worth considering selling the property and using any profits of that sale to invest in another more suitable investment property. These decisions can be incredibly difficult, and it is important to ensure you make the best financial decision for your future. To achieve this, it is crucial to discuss all available options with a qualified property manager, mortgage broker, property mentor, financial planner and accountant. At The Property Mentors we understand that navigating through these types of decisions can be overwhelming and daunting. That’s why our experienced team will work closely with you to provide sound advice on the best way forward. We are here to support you every step of the way on your journey towards financial success after a break-up. So if you want to discuss your options for ensuring your financial success after a break-up, contact The Property Mentors today. With our help we have prevent your property from becoming your ex-property.
