If you’re an aspiring investor looking for the best place to start, you need to determine what you want to achieve before you can find the strategies that best suit your circumstances…and the sooner the better!

  • March 2nd, 2022
Yes, your age, income and savings will impact where you can start and what strategies you can use, but it may still be possible to get onto the property ladder if you have access to the correct advice and support. That’s why you should think about the type of property investor you are, as this will clearly define the range of strategies available to you. You might even be surprised with the advanced strategies you can use…starting right now! RENTVESTING For example, living in your own home and pursuing a sustained buy and hold strategy is a great long term goal, but to get started then rentvesting might be a better fit for you right now, where you rent a property that suits your lifestyle to live in, and purchase an investment property – maybe even in another city altogether – to kick start your portfolio. PEER TO PEER LENDING Likewise, perhaps you’re trying to build a deposit, and it’s going to be some time before you’ve accumulated the required amount. The savings you do have could easily be parked for twelve months or longer, so you need to get this capital working hard for you while you’re saving the rest of your deposit. This is where access to advanced tools and strategies such as peer to peer lending can help you to invest your funds and achieve a far better interest rate than standard offset or savings accounts – without the volatility of the share market. NOT ELIGIBLE FOR A LOAN? Alternatively, you may have been told you’re too young (or too old), or you’re being disadvantaged by the banks because you’re a business owner rather than a salaried employee, or any other reason the banks might not consider you a suitable candidate! Your unique circumstances pinpoint where you are on your property journey and will clearly define the range of strategies available to you. Your best fit may prove to be something you would never have considered on your own, without the objective guidance provided by a trusted mentor and a team of dedicated professionals working by your side. It’s exploring considerations like these with The Property Mentors that can see beginners get their property investment gig off to a flying start! For strategies suitable for more seasoned investors and investing using superannuation keep your eye on the blog over the coming weeks!
